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TPO roof with leaking areas Knoxville, TN.

We inspected this roof and found several areas of concern that need to be addressed.   This roof has 2 layers of roofing.  We can offer a temporary repair but recommend coating the roof with Aldo roof coating.

TPO Roof Leak Areas

  1. 1
    We discovered holes in the membrane.

    Below are pictures of holes in the membrane roof.   

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  2. 2
    A/C lines need cap on 3 vents.

    A/C lines need a cap on 3 vents.

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  3. 3
    Additional areas that need to be addressed.

    Caulk laps in metal on walls. Pitch pockets need to be fixed. All vents need to be caulked. We need 2 new 12″ tops for turbo vents.

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  4. 4
    Roof coating is the best solution for this roof.

    ALDOCOAT 397 was explicitly developed as a protective coating for many low slope roofing substrates. With excellent adhesion and durability, ALDOCOAT 397 provides excellent UV protection and long-term durability for spray polyurethane foam. It is also recommended for protecting vertical walls, masonry, concrete, single-ply membranes, and metal surfaces.

    This is a white flat roof with unites and vents being shown.

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