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Roof Replacement in Knoxville, TN. Here, we have an older home that was built around 1900.  It is a beautiful place in need of a bit of TLC.  The roof has two shingles layers and is actively leaking into the newly remodeled interior.  We are looking into installing a standard architectural asphalt shingle roof vs. a Davinci Slate composite shingle.

Historic Home in Knoxville Tennessee with Two Layers of Shingles in Need of Replacement

  1. 1
    Metal valleys for Davinci Slate composite

    Davinci roofing systems are installed with metal valleys and can add beauty as well as dependability to your roofing system

    The house is very old.  built around 1900.  It currently has two layers of shingles and some active leaks.  We are considering applying Davinci Slate look shingles

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  2. 2
    Davinci rakes and eaves get special attention, complete with edge pieces that encapsulate roof edge

    Rake tiles are installed at the roof's edge to seal and add beauty and definition.

    Davinci roofing systems are great looking.  These particular shingles look like real slate.  There is a lot of detail and labor involved with

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  3. 3
    This roof has several facets and is a fairly complicated design. This type of roof generally includes a larger percentage of waste.

    Here, you can see that there are several facets and complicated areas in this home.  There will be many areas with extra flashing and detail.

    complicated roofing will be challenging for installers

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  4. 4
    Durable and attractive Davinci Slate look tiles are durable and very atrtractive!

    Davinci slate look tiles are very low almost no maintenance.  They are attractive and extremely durable

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Soffit, gutter and fascia on this house are in need of repairs

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    Gutters to be replaced with 6 inch oversized gutters. Wooden soffits to be repaired where rot is present.

    Gutters to be replaced with 6-inch oversized gutters. Wooden soffits to be repaired where rot is present.

    soffits and fascia board on this honme are in need of some minor repairs.  All gutters need replaced

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Architectural asphalt shingle roofing system for historical home in Knoxville TN

  1. 1
    Valley protection

    Ice and water shield should always be applied in Valley is on a roof

    Ice and water shield should always be applied in the valleys and around penetrations before installing the new roof. This self adhered membrane seals around nails and helps to ensure a  long lasting project.

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  2. 2
    The pictures in this photo is a porch similar to our project house. You can see there are several facets and details involved, as well as extra ridge cap shingles and flashing materials.

    This roof has many facets. Valleys and Gables and an octagon shaped area on the front porch
    The pictures in this photo is a porch similar to our project house. You can see there are several facets and details involved, as well as extra ridge cap shingles and flashing materials.

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  3. 3
    Ridge vent and ridge cap

    Ridge vent and ridge cap allow hot air to escape from the highest points of the attic while keeping water out and looking spiffy In these photos, you can see hell a ridge vent works. The gap is Kurt in the decking at the ridge of the structure to allow hot air to escape at the highest points of the attic. A hard plastic ridge vent and ridge cap shingles are applied over the gap to allow are you super heated air to escape while preventing leaks. 

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  4. 4
    Apply 7/16 inch OSB over existing boards

    7/16 OSB Can be applied over the top of existing boards on a roof In this photo, you can see how are you sheathing is applied over existing slat boards with gaps. This is a very common practice and much less invasive than removing the old boards. In your case, it also provides a way to leave the original materials intact. 

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