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EPDM Commercial roof in Knoxville, TN

Commercial roofs with a lot of equipment or penetrations will have a greater chance of leaking.

This commercial roof has approximately 50 HVAC units floating above the roof.  A rail system suspends them, so they do not require roof penetrations.  The rail system makes it easier to prevent roof leaks and roof problems.

Unfortunately, this roof still has a leak issue that Litespeed Construction is resolving.

top of roof

  1. 1
    Areas that could be causing the leaks.

    We discovered cracks, holes, and weak points in the EPDM at corners and penetration areas that could be causing leaks. 


    This is black EPDM with a puncture hole, possible causing the roof leak. This is an areal of the EPDM that is damaged, another possible leak area. This is black EPDM at a corner that has a small tear.


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  2. 2
    EPDM Flashing Tape is loose.

    EPDM flashing tape is coming loose that could be another area that is leaking.

    This is a picture of black EPDM with a pen inserted in the lap, possible cause of the leak.

    Up close image of a lap in the EPDM showing it is unsealed.

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  3. 3
    Wall needs resealed

    The old sealant is rotted and coming loose and needs to be sealed with a suitable elastomer.


    This is a the EPDM at the wall that is no longer sealed. A pen can be inserted between the wall and EPDM.

    A close up image of the EPDM at the wall that is not sealed and tearing away from wall.


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Top of roof looking east

  1. 1
    Failing sealant

    There are a total of about 18 of these areas with failing sealant.

    This is an image of sealant that is failing.


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  2. 2
    old patch coming apart

    This EPDM patch is coming apart and complete failure is imminent.

    This is an patch on an black EPDM roof that is no longer sealed.


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  3. 3
    failing cover strip

    This tape joint is loose enough we can stick our hand under it.  We should not be able to do this.   If it isn’t letting water in now, then it won’t be long before it is. 

    This is a picture of black cover strip that is failing.


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  4. 4
    A soft, low spot in roof.

    This section of the roof is very soft and feels like a trampoline when stepping on it. The roof protrudes downward about 5″ when stepping on it.

    This is the picture of the flat roof with a soft spot.

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  5. 5
    A.C. Unit low on the roof.

    A.C. unit should be off the roof as the rest of the roof units. 

    This is a picture of an AC unit that is too low on the roof.

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