Table of contents
- Video Of Roof Inspection
- Shingles In Good Shape
- Chimney Caps Are Rusty
- Exposed Nails Could Be A Problem
- A Few Shingles Had Some Damage

- 1Video Of Roof InspectionGo To Pin
- 2Shingles In Good Shape
Most of the shingles on this roof were in good shape. The shingles are appropriately staggered with the correct distance in between the shingles. No soft spots in the wood was observed.
Go To Pin - 3Chimney Caps Are Rusty
All three chimney caps on this roof are rusty. They may not necessarily be leaking but they could in the future. If any water is observed coming through the chimney, we recommend replacing the chimney cap.
Go To Pin - 4Exposed Nails Could Be A Problem
This building had a few exposed nails at the bottom of the dormer and at the crickets. While we were there, we went ahead and sealed up those nails to prevent any unwanted leaks inside the homes.
Go To Pin - 5A Few Shingles Had Some Damage
A few of the shingles had some damage. The damage that was there was not substantial. One shingle had a crack, we went ahead and sealed it while we were there.
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