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Condo Roof Inspection in North Knoxville. We inspected the condo buildings in North Knoxville for the HOA. We inspected for shingle delamination, nail pops, pipe boots, proper installation, etc.


Roof Inspection (6901)

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    Chimney Caps

    The chimney cap on the back left side has been replaced on this roof. The rest of the chimney caps are old and rusty and could potentially leak in the future. We recommend replacement when they show signs of water entering the chimney.

    This is a picture of a brand new chimney cap on a steep roof

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  3. 3
    Old Satellite Bracket

    On the backside middle of the roof, there is an old satellite bracket still on the roof. Nothing is attached to it, so we recommend removing it to prevent any leaks at the screw holes. The bracket should be removed and have the holes sealed.

    This is a picture of a satellite dish on a roof

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  4. 4
    Skylight Repairs

    This skylight had some exposed nails that we went ahead and sealed to prevent any leaks. The shingles at the top right also came up and had a crack in them. The crack was sealed so no water could get in between the shingles.

    This is a picture of a crack on a shingle next to a skylight This is a picture of exposed nails at the top right of a skylight

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  5. 5
    Wood Board On Top Of Roof

    At the top of this roof, there was a piece of wood that had been nailed down to the roof. The board was removed, and the holes were sealed.

    This is a picture of a wooden board nailed down to a roof

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Roof Inspection (6917)

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    Shingles In Good Condition

    Most of the shingles on this roof are in good working condition. The shingles are staggered correctly and spaced out accordingly. 
    This is a picture of grayish brown shingles that are staggered correctly. This is a picture of grayish brown shingles that are staggered correctly

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  3. 3
    Gutters Need To Be Cleaned Out

    The gutters in on this building need to be cleaned out. These gutters have gutter guards on them but the tops are covered in debris from the trees around back. They should be cleaned out to allow for good drainage.

    This is a picture of gutters covered in debris next to some trees.

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  4. 4
    Dormers Have Soft Spots

    The dormers on this building have soft spots at the bottoms of them. They are not overly soft but it could be a concern in the future. This could possibly be from a previous leak.

    This is a picture of a soft spo on a roof at the bottom of a dormer This is a picture of a soft spot on a roof at the bottom of a dormer

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Roof Inspection (6929)

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    Old Rusty Chimney Caps

    All of the chimney caps at this building are old and rusty. They could potentially leak in the future, if they leak we recommend replacing them as needed.

    This is a picture of an old rusty chimney cap

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  3. 3
    Roof Condition

    Most of the roof is in good condition, with all shingles staggered correctly and spaced out appropriately. The shingles at the bottom of the dormers show water stains and the wood in these areas is a little soft.

    This is a picture of water stain at the bottom of a dormer on a roof This is a picture of shingles that have been staggered correctly This is a picture of a ridge vent with ridge cap shingles

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  4. 4
    Exposed Nails

    The bottom of this dormer had a shingle that had slid down. We nailed the shingle back into place and sealed the nail to avoid any leaks.

    This is a picture of an exposed nail at the bottom of. Dormer

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    Gutters Need To Be Cleaned

    The back gutters at this building need to be cleaned. There are gutter guards on these gutters but there is debris on top of them. This will cause drainage issues and overflow the gutters. We recommend these gutters get cleaned out.

    This is a picture of a gutter stopped up with leaves

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Roof Inspection (6922)

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    Old Rusty Chimney Caps

    The chimney caps on this building are old and rusty. If any leaking occurs we recommend that the caps be replaced.

    This is a picture of an old rusty chimney cap on a steep roof

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  2. 2
    Roof Is In Good Shape

    The roof is in good condition. All shingles are staggered correctly. The pipe boots are in good shape as well with all nails caulked and sealed.

    This is a picture of a valley with shingles in good shape This is a picture of shingles in good shape and staggered correctly This is a picture of a pipe boot on a steep roof

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Roof inspection (6900)

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    Video Of Roof Inspection
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    Shingles In Good Shape

    Most of the shingles on this roof were in good shape. The shingles are appropriately staggered with the correct distance in between the shingles. No soft spots in the wood was observed.

    This is a picture of shingles that is appropriately staggered This is a picture of a valley on the roof

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  3. 3
    Chimney Caps Are Rusty

    All three chimney caps on this roof are rusty. They may not necessarily be leaking but they could in the future. If any water is observed coming through the chimney, we recommend replacing the chimney cap.

    This is a picture of a chimney with a rusty cap This is a picture of a rusty chimney cap on a steep roof

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  4. 4
    Exposed Nails Could Be A Problem

    This building had a few exposed nails at the bottom of the dormer and at the crickets. While we were there, we went ahead and sealed up those nails to prevent any unwanted leaks inside the homes.

    This is a picture of exposed nails at the bottom of a dormer This is a picture of exposed nails at a cricket

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  5. 5
    A Few Shingles Had Some Damage

    A few of the shingles had some damage. The damage that was there was not substantial. One shingle had a crack, we went ahead and sealed it while we were there.

    This is a picture of a crack on a shingle that needs to be sealed This is a picture of shingles with a little bit of damage

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Roof Inspection (3501)

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    Chimney Caps Are Rusty

    All of the chimney caps on this building are rusty. They may not be currently leaking but eventually they might. If any water is observed getting in at the chimney, we recommend replacement of the cap.

    This is a picture of three chimney caps that are old and rusty This is a picture of an old rusty chimney cap on a steep roof

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  3. 3
    Shingles In Good Shape

    The roof on this building appears to be in good shape. All shingles are correctly staggered with the appropriate distance between shingles. All shingles have step flashing at the walls to prevent any leaks. Pipe boots are in good shape and all nails sealed correctly.

    This is a picture of shingles that are correctly staggered This is a picture of shingles at a wall with step flashing underneath This is a picture of a pipe boot in good shape

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  4. 4
    Ridges In Good Shape

    All the ridge vents on this building are in good shape. No missing shingles were observed. The ridges at all of the dormers were also in good shape with ridge shingles.

    This is a picture of a ridge vent with ridge cap shingles This is a picture of a dormer with ridge cap shingles in good shape

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Roof Inspection (3515)

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    Video Roof Inspection
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  3. 3
    Chimney Caps Are Rusty

    All of the chimney caps on this building are old and rusty. These caps could leak in the future, if they leakage is observed we recommend replacing them.

    This is a picture of an old rusty chimney cap

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  4. 4
    Small Repairs Completed

    This roof had a few repairs that were completed. The ridge vent had some missing shingles and a few shingles that had some damage to them. We went ahead and replaced these ridge cap shingles to prevent any leaks. There were also a few exposed nails that we sealed up with caulk.

    This is a picture of damaged ridge cap shingles This is a picture of exposed nails at the ridge

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  5. 5
    Shingles Staggered Correctly

    The shingles on this roof are all staggered correctly and spaced out at an accurate distance. Adequate spacing is required to avoid leaks. Pipe boots on this roof are also in good shape and sealed properly.

    This is a picture of shingles in good shape with a rope in the middle This is a picture of a roof with a pipe boot in the middle

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