Repairing a metal roof

  1. 1
    Holes in the metal on transition strip

    It looks like something hit the roof, causing the paint to wear off prematurely. Without the paint, the metal can rust, causing holes. This is what happened here. We are pretty confident that this was the leading cause of the leak. We cleaned and caulked this area with NP1.This is a picture of a green metal roof with a rusted spot that is cracked allowing water in

    This is a picture of a green metal roof with a rusted spot that is cracked allowing water in

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  2. 2
    Lots of loose screws

    If you have a metal roof with a little bit of age on it, then you’re going to have screws that are backing out. They basically go hand-in-hand. This is a up close picture of a green metal roof with a screw backing out of the metal roof

    This is a up close picture of a green metal roof with a screw backing out of the metal roofThis is a up close picture of a green metal roof with a screw backing out of the metal roof

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  3. 3
    This is going to be a serious issue!

    As I said, this will be a severe issue sooner than later as much of the siding is curling, cracking, and breaking apart.This is a picture of Brown siding that is starting to break in crack apartThis is a picture of brown siding that is starting to crack and break apart

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  4. 4
    Bottom corners of gables are in bad shape

    We caulked around this area and the other side, as you can see the top of the green flashing behind the siding. If you can see it, then rain can get behind it.This is a picture of brown siding that has come apart and you can see the green flashing behind it

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  5. 5
    More screws backing out

    We must have screwed back at least 20 or 25 screws in this area.This is a picture of a green metal roof with screws backing out all over the roof

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