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Roof Leaks in Apartment Building in Knoxville, TN. This is an apartment building in Knoxville that has had some roof leaks and will need some repairs on the flat roof.

Flat Roof Needing Repairs To Prevent Leaks

  1. 1
    Roof Leak In Hallway

    This is where the leak in the building showed up. This is in the hallway. Above it is the elevator room, and above that is the flat roof.
    Leaks in hallway coming from flat roof

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  2. 2
    Bolts Coming Through The Wall Need To Be Recaulked

    On the side of the elevator room, there are bolts that come through the wall that should be recaulked to prevent any water from getting through.
    Bolts coming through the wall that need to be recaulked

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  3. 3
    Windows Need To Be Recaulked To Prevent Leaks

    We are recommending these windows be recaulked to seal up these open areas to prevent any water from getting through. 
    Windows need to be recaulked to prevent water from coming through

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  4. 4
    Ridge Caps Need To Be Resealed

    Edges of ridge caps need to be resealed to prevent any water from getting through
    These ridge cap ends need to be resealed to prevent leaks

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  5. 5
    Previous Patch That Needs To Be Redone

    This is a previous patch that was done that is breaking down and needs to be redone and resealed to prevent any leaks.
    This is a previous patch that needs to be redone

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  6. 6
    Seam Is Peeling And Needs To Be Redone

    The seam at the downspout is peeling up and must be redone to prevent leaks. This could be a high-risk area since all of the water comes down to this spot.
    Seam is peeling and needs to be redone to prevent leaks

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