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Roof Leak Repair in Knoxville TN. This roof leak first looked like it was coming from the metal exhaust pipe from the furnace. This is a common place for roofs to leak. An attic inspection was performed, and it was evident that the area around the furnace exhaust had been leaking but could have been something else. Once it was inspected on the roof, It appears that that exhaust could leak, But there was a nail pop in the area of this roof leak, which is the most likely cause of this issue.

The roof is leaking in the back side of the home

    Squirrel 🐿 Hole in the peak of a Roof

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      This hole can do damage and cause rock

      This is a picture of a hole in the roof caused by a squirrel

      Went a hole is opened in your roof it can always cause rotting and damages to the plywood and would need. We will use shingles to cover this hole For this customer.

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    This roof is new but has some install issues

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      These shingles are racked not staggered

      The shingles are installed incorrectly. They are racked and not staggered.  Racking Shingles is fine For three tabs style shingles but not for dimensional shingles.  This was the only major issue found with this roof there is no other problems like missing drip edge, bad ventilation, Or crooked shingle rows.


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    All of the windows in brick need to be caulked

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      Gaps in windows cause lots of draft

      This is a picture of a vinyl window in a brick wall that has a gap White vinyl window and a brick wall that has to be caulkedThese gaps can allow air in and water as well into windows. It is a very easy thing for owners to check their windows to make sure there aren’t gaps.

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    This furnace is where the roof leak is

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      This is a picture of an exposed Neil on a roof

      This exposed nail was most likely the cause of the roof leak, it was right in the area of this water getting inside.

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      We are replacing this gas exhaust because it is loose

      We are adding back a new gas exhaust stack because this one has become loose and moves.

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