Roof inspection in west Knoxville reveals bad ridge vents

  1. 1
    Roof inspection in West Knoxville reveals leakkng ridge vent

    This roof inspection in West Knoxville Tennessee shows ridge vents that probably have leaks This Ridgevent has expose nails that can leak and it was discovered in a roof inspection in West Knoxville Tennessee

    This roof inspection revealed a leak in Richmond this will be a problem because it will cause water to come in and whiteboards cause damage to the roof this was caught in the home inspection is probably one of the active leaks home.

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  2. 2
    Roof inspection video in west Knoxville buly Kirby Smith

    This is my inspection of this roof, it can be limped along a little further but should be strongly considered for replace within the next months. Take a look at this video.

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