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Roof inspection of GAF Shingles Knoxville, TN.

Roof Inspection of Old Dimensional GAF Shingles.  Shingles have a granular loss.  There is some weathering of these shingles as well.

The roof over the garage

  1. 1
    Exposed nails and nail holes in ridge

    this is a picture of an exposed nail that is on a ridge vent of a roof

    The nail on the left is exposed, leaving it open to rainwater. 

    The nail on the right has punched through the shingle, leaving an open hole for water penetration.

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  2. 2
    not staggered correctly

    this is a picture showing improper stagger of shingles in sevierville tn

    This is an incorrect stagger. The correct stagger would look like a stair step every 6 inches. Here you can see its back and forth, leaving the shingles in straight rows. 

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  3. 3
    Random damaged shingles

    Random damaged shingles.

    this is a picture showing weather and cracking dimensional singles that are weathered wood in color

    this is a picture of a big crack in roof shingles that can cause roof leaks in sevierville tn

    Random shingles need to be replaced.

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  4. 4
    valley woven incorrectly

    Valley has woven incorrectly.

    this is a picture of the valley of an old dimensional shingle in sevierville tn

    The top of the valley is cut bottom is woven. It should be one of the 2, not both. Now water can run under the bottom woven shingles. Both valleys are like this.  

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Main roof

  1. 1
    Incorrect ridge cap shingles.

    Incorrect ridge

    There are 2 different types of shingles here the 3 tabs, and the ridge cap. The ridge cap should be the only shingles here.  

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  2. 2
    Failing pipe boots

    Failing Pipe

    As you can see the pipe boots are starting to dry rot and crack. It's time to replace them. 

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  3. 3
    Old satellite dish brackets and failing

    Old satellite

    Old satellite

    Old satellite

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  4. 4
    Very damaged area

    Damage area

    Damage area

    Damage area

    Damage area

    Damage area

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  5. 5
    Penetration in roof



    Large staples stuck in the roof through shingles. 

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