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Residential Roof Replacement in Knoxville, TN. This is a residential roof replacement that we are inspecting. Knoxville, Tennessee, and this customer wants a GF shingle to replace his old three-tab roof. There are three or four soft spots on this roof and we will need to replace the boards underneath the roof at these locations. We will also need to seal the chimney cap with the sealant, which will work fine to protect the roof.

Old roof that needs to be replaced

  1. 1
    This area has a soft board

    The soft board is right below the ridge line of the roof because the ridge vent might have leaked and caused this board to have problems along with rot.

    This is a picture of a board that is possibly rotten and a pipe that is next to it on a roof

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  2. 2
    Video inspection of a roof that is going to be replaced in Knoxville Tennessee

    Video inspection of a roof that is going to be replaced in Knoxville Tennessee.

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Chimney that will need to be re-flashed

  1. 1
    This is a picture of the old chimney flashing

    This is a picture of an old brick chimney with old metal that will need to be re-flashed

    This is a picture of the old chimney flashing, There is some rot below this chimney because it is possibly leaked over the years.

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  2. 2
    The chimney is missing step flashing

    The chimney is missing step flashing, This is a problem because it protects water from coming in and leaking into the house. There is signs of rot below the chimney because the wood is rotten there. What you see is counter flashing it is not step flashing. Step flashing keeps the water from coming into the home counter flashing covers over the step flashing.

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