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This residential home in Knoxville received a roof inspection from another company in which they highlighted all the things that need to be repaired. This includes membrane patches, replacement of boards, and caulking open areas.

Flat Roof Needing Repairs Due to Leaks

  1. 1
    Various Amounts Of Debris That Needs To Be Removed From Flat Roof

    This is the various amounts of debris located throughout the flat roof that was recommended to be removed. Litespeed Construction will remove all debris.
    This is a picture of debris on a flat roof that needs to be removed This is a picture of debris that needs to be removed from flat roof This is a picture of debris that needs to be removed from flat roof

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  2. 2
    All Cap Joints Need To Be Sealed

    A total of 37 bell cap joints need to be sealed. All of them are in bad shape and could be causing water to get through and in between the membrane.
    This is a picture of bell cap joints that need to be sealed
    This is a picture of bell cap joints that need to be sealed This is a picture of bell cap joints that need to be sealed

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  3. 3
    Splices And Voids That Need To Be Fixed With TPO Flashing Tape

    These splices and voids need to be cleaned, prepped, and covered with TPO flashing tape. These small areas could cause water to get through underneath the membrane and into the home.
    This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape
    This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape This is a picture of a splice in the membrane that needs to be covered with TPO flashing tape

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  4. 4
    Flat Roof Drain Needs To Be Reflashed

    The drain on this flat roof will need to be reflashed to prevent leaks since all the water comes down to this point. Litespeed Construction also recommends cleaning out the drain box, which is full of debris.
    This is a picture of a flat roof drain that needs to be reflashed This is a picture of a flat roof drain that needs to be reflashed This is a picture of a drain box that needs to be cleaned out

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  5. 5
    Voids In The Metal That Need To Be Sealed

    Voids in the sheet metal flange need to be sealed to prevent any water from getting through.
    This is a picture of a void in the sheet metal flange that needs to be sealed This is a picture of a void in the sheet metal flange that needs to be sealed

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  6. 6
    Pipe Boot Needs To Be Clamped

    The pipe boot on top of the metal roof must have a stainless steel clamp.
    This is a picture of a pipe that is missing a clamp

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  7. 7
    Disbonded Membrane

    The membrane is disbanding from most of the wall and will need to be cut to add a new layer of membrane that will be bonded to the wall.
    This is a picture of the membrane that is coming off of the wall This is a picture of the membrane that is coming off of the wall
    This is a picture of membrane that is coming off of the wall

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  8. 8
    Outside Wall Needs Repairs To Stop Moisture

    The outside brick wall could be letting moisture in, leading to the boards being wet underneath the membrane. Sealing cracks and ridge caps are recommended.

    This is a picture of the moisture in the boards underneath the membrane This is a picture of the outside walls that needs repairs

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  9. 9
    Brick Wall Needs To Be Coated

    This brick wall that is 14’ high should be coated to prevent any moisture from getting through and inside the home.

    This is a picture of a brick wall that needs to be coated to prevent moisture from getting theough

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Blueprint Image Of Flat Roof

    Repairs Made To Flat Roof

    1. 1
      Main Wall Drained Of Water

      This wall was cut and drained of all water underneath the membrane. The membrane was then patched and sealed. All debris was also removed from flat roof.This is a picture of a white flat roof that was patched.

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    2. 2
      Bell Caps Sealed

      All bell caps were sealed with Aldo and any gaps underneath the metal were also sealed.

      This is a picture of bell caps that were sealed with Aldo

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    3. 3
      Vent Was Sealed

      This vent was sealed all the way around to prevent any leaks.

      This is a picture of a metal vent that was caulked all the way around.

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    4. 4
      Reflashed Drain

      The drain was reflashed to prevent any leaks. All debris in downspout was also removed.

      This is a picture of a drain on a white flat roof

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    5. 5
      Patched Three Bad Spots On Roof

      Three different spots were patched on this roof that could have been leaks. 
      This is a picture of a patch that was done on a white flat roof. This is a picture of a patch that was done on a white flat roof.

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    6. 6
      Vents Were Installed On Flat Roof

      Three vents were installed on the flat roof to dry out the boards and keep good circulation of air.

      This is a picture of a metal vent that was installed on a flat white roof.

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    7. 7
      Two Corners Were Fixed

      These corners were patched with new membrane to prevent any leaks at the seams.

      This is a picture of two corners on a flat roof that were patched.

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