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This is a Leaking Commercial metal roof; leaks come in from several places on this Roof. They are coming in at the ridge quite a bit because there is panel overlap. If they are coming in at the left and suitable lapse of metal panel, and they’re also coming in through about 1/3 to half of the screws that need a silicone sealant or polyurethane sealant put over the top to protect the screws from leaks. All penetrations on this Roof will need to be sealed as well. This is very important to keep this Roof from leaking because commercial roosts are much more vulnerable to leaks than residential roofs, so we will have to ensure that this Roof is protected. Also, there is some rust on the panels. It will make a lot of sense to continue to monitor this Roof with service agreements.

Roof Leaks at Ridge Metal

  1. 1
    Majority of leaks occurring at the ridge

    The majority of leaks occur at the ridge. It is in terrible shape. All the ridge needs to be sealed with Aldo 385.


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    Video roof inspection

    Video roof inspection.

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Commercial roof leaks through penetrations of the roof

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    All of these penetrations are vulnerable to leak I need to be sealed

    All of these penetrations are vulnerable to leaks I need to be sealed. They need a heavy sealant and fabric the most locations to prevent them from leaking and having problems.

    This is a picture of a gray roof that has metal roof screws that are leaking Got it this is penetrations that need to be sealed on a commercial metal roof This is a pipe boot on a commercial metal roof

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    All of these penetrations need to be covered with Aldo

    All of these penetrations need to be covered with Aldo.  This includes but is not limited to any pipe boots curbs any exhaust on this roof need to be sealed up the roofline.

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Roof leaks at panel overlap in metal roof

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    Using fabric at ridge caps plus sealant

    When there are gaps or laps in the metal it is best to use a combination of commercial Roof fabric and coding.

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Coating a commercial metal roof: screws, horizontal laps, penetrations

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    How to coat screws on a metal roof

    Metal roof screw that has been partially coded and is failing

    The screw is in free failure and will need to be coated.  Overall condition is poor but it could possibly prevent leaks as it sits but to be safe we need to coat the screw.

    There’s a picture of the metal roof screw that it’s been coated and is in good shape

    This roof screw is in pretty good shape and may not need to be coated.

    Coating on a metal roof screw that has been cracking in having problems and leaking

    The screws have been coated and it is in bad shape and will need to be re-coated to prevent it from leaking.

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  2. 2
    Portions of this roof have coding previously

    Coating on a metal roof That has numerous roof leaks This is the ridge of a metal roof that has leaks

    These laps need to be coated with Aldo, and they will also need to be scraped and cleaned as necessary to prepare the substrate.

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