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Knoxville  Roofers Inspects Cedar shake roof and Powell TN. This is a cedar shake roof that we have worked on in the past. This roof would shake and break from time to time because of its age. Litespeed construction is one of the top roofing and repair companies in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are glad to help out with this roof.

Knoxville Roofing Company does an inspection of a cedar shake roof

  1. 1
    Pictures of the chimney flashing that was repaired this year on the roof

    Chimney and flashing with Cedar Shake Shingles This is a picture of chimney flashing on a wood shake roof

    This chimney flashing was added to protect this roof from leaking here at the chimney. It looks great and is performing flawlessly.


    this is an image of the terra cotta chimney caps

    This is the proposal for the 2 terra cotta chimney cap covers.

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  2. 2
    Knoxville Roofing company replaces cedar shake shingles

    This is a picture of missing cedar shake shingles on the roof More cedar shake shingles that are missing on a roof

    This roof has between five and seven missing shingles made out of Cedar. We intend to replace the shingles for our customer.

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  3. 3
    The gutter and gutter guards Are in poor shape

    This is an image ofI go to that is been painted it is the miter of the gutter This is an outside miter of a gutter that has been painted and you can see the gutter guard is coming off the top Gutter and Shake Shingles on a roof inspection

    You can see from the images that these gutter guards are pulling off in several locations pulling apart from the gutters. Also, the gutters are in bad shape at the miters and probably leak and most areas.

    this is a picture of the gutters and gutter guards we are proposing

    Proposing the new 6-inch gutters and gutter guards. Proposing to add powder-coated wire mesh gutter guards.

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  4. 4
    Video of Roof Inspection
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The Front of this roof was clean the back was not

  1. 1
    The back of the cedar shake roof has streaks

    The back of the cedar shake roof has streaks.  The streets were cleaned off of the front and they came from the chimney. You can see the obvious difference between the back and the front of this roof.

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  2. 2
    The chimney cap on the cedar shake roof needs to be repaired or replaced

    This is a picture of a chimney cap that has some tar on it

    We recommend coating this chimney cap instead of replacing their several irregular shapes here in the coating should work perfectly fine.

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  3. 3
    Remove all debris from this roof as best as possible

    Remove all debris from this roof as best as possible. This roof has a lot of dirt debris that does not need to be sitting on the cedar shakes. Recommend To have the valleys cleaned out really well when we are working on this roof.

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  4. 4
    The back of this roof does not have any missing shingles

    This is a picture of a cedar shake roof from the top of the roof

    As you can see from the picture here the back of the cedar shake roof is not missing any shingles. No repair still in the back except for work on the chimney cap.

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  5. 5
    There are several missing shingles on the front of this roof

    This is a picture of a hip roof that is cedar shake shingles

    This picture shows some of the missing shingles on the front of this Roof. We estimate between five and seven shingles need to be replaced on the front.

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