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Knoxville Roofer repairs a roof with failing Gables. This project has a gable that has a lot of failures due to support issues. This roof needs to be replaced, and how do we help the edge of this gable to keep it from falling. Litespeed Construction will most likely propose a support system based in Gables being supported by corbels. This will support the right edge of the roof line so that it does not fall off. The next question is, how do we Make this roof look good from the ground. Do we consider putting back vinyl soffits and manipulating the Siding, or do we keep the soffits open and possibly manipulate the Siding below the gable. The corbels will go into the Siding, So the way the Siding is flashed will be essential here.

This is a picture of the back room getting replaced

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    Is the picture of the underneath of this roof line

    This Is the picture of the underneath of this roof lineThis is work being done to the backside of this property.

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This Roof Line Needs to be Supported

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    Kirby Call with Daniel

    this is an image of a zoom call

    The same meeting


    this image is of a roof deck that has slat boards and osb


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How to Repair an Unsupported Roof Line

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    This is what corbels look like before they get installed on a roof

    This is a picture of a corbels look like the support the roof at the edges of the roof

    These are wooden corbels were using on different jobs to support a roofline. I think this is what our customer might be interested in having. We would use a combination of corbels and facia wood at the edges of the roof to support this roofline on the two main Gables of the home.

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    This is a picture of the proposed roofing that we are recommending which is in Owens corning Shingle

    This is a picture of Owens corning shingle roofing system

    Here’s the picture of the Owens Corning Oak Ridge Shingle colors.

    Owens Corning Oak Ridge Shingle Colors

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    This siding should be replaced because the corbels will cut into the siding and it could leak

    This siding should be replaced to properly repair the edge of this roofline.


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This is an Image of the Roof from the Back of the Home

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    This roofline will need to be supported and we will also need to make some changes to the siding

    This is a picture of and unsupported roof line that has to be supported by corbelsThis roofline has to have corbels to support and most likely this soffit overhang needing to be replaced. We would need to replace the siding here to do this job properly. Because the corbels will be cut into the siding and the siding should go all the way up to the bottom of the roofline if the customer wants to consider keeping an open soffit look.

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    This is a picture of the proposed vinyl soffit sample

    This is a picture of a vinyl soffit sample board

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    This is an image of some wood corbels that we are having made for another project
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    The section of roof needs to be tied in better

    When this roof gets done the section will need to be most likely built up with membrane roofing. And flashed back to the upper slope. Remembering that we are most likely going to recommend will be a TPO screwed down over some insulation board.

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    This will need new facia boards and gutters

    This will need new facia boards and gutters.  The section of roof will need more facia boards and gutters because it is open and exposed to the elements we will put facia metal over the top before we add that new gutters.

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