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This home in Knoxville, TN, with leaks, requires a new roof. This is a dimensional shingle roof that is about twenty years old. The customer has had various leaks throughout the home. There have been many leaks in the garage. There is a ridge over the garage where it is evident that water has been getting in under the shingles. Many of these nails are showing rust. The chimney flashing on this home will need to be redone, and a section of wood will need to be replaced at the bottom of the chimney. The wall over the garage also only has partial flashing, so this is most likely the cause of many of the leaks in the garage.

Various Leaks Throughout The Home

  1. 1
    Missing Flashing At This Wall

    This wall is right over the garage and has to flash missing, which could be the cause of leaks. Only the top five shingles appear to have step flashing while the rest do not. It is important to have step flashing at every shingle to prevent leaks.

    This is a picture of a lifted shingle at a wall with no step flashing underneath This is a picture of a lifted shingle with step flashing underneath

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  2. 2
    Ridge Vent Has Leaks

    The ridge vent over the garage has had some leaks along with the house. The nails at the end of the ridge vent are not sealed and are a perfect spot for water to leak through. When pulling up some of the ridge cap shingles, you can see the rusty nails, meaning the water has been getting in underneath the shingles.

    This is a picture of exposed nails at the end of a ridge vent. This is a picture of a rusty nail underneath a ridge cap shingle.

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  3. 3
    Nail Pops And Old Repair Attempts

    This wall is right over the garage, and it definitely has to flash missing, which could definitely be the cause of leaks. Only the top five shingles appear to have step flashing while the rest do not. It is important to have step flashing at every shingle to prevent leaks.

    This is a picture of a lifted shingle at a wall with no step flashing underneath This is a picture of a lifted shingle with step flashing underneath

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  4. 4
    Chimney Flashing Needs Work

    The chimney flashing on this roof needs work on both the upper and lower portions of the roof. The top part of the roof has shingles bunched together. With these shingles bunched together like that, the shingles are not sealing correctly and allowing water to get in under the shingles. At the bottom of the chimney, the nails under the shingles are rusty, and the wood underneath feels soft. This section of woof will need to be replaced.

    This is a picture of brow chimney flashing on a gray dimensional shingle roof This is a picture of a gray dimensional shingle bunched up at the chimney

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  5. 5
    Pipe Boots Could Potentially Cause Leaks

    The pipe boots are older and could be the cause of some leaks. There is beginning to be dry rot at the boots, and they need to be sealed to prevent leaks.

    this is a picture of an older black pipe boot on a gray dimensional shingle roof

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