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Improper Roof Ventilation Causes Warping Roof Decking in Hardin Valley, TN. Litespeed Construction is a Knoxville Roofing Company, and we determined that ventilation issues with this roof are causing the roof boards to leak. One of the most important things for a roofing company to inspect is how the roof breathes and ventilates.


This home has a vaulted ceiling and no ventilation for this roof from the soffit to the ridge. The west-facing portion of this home has warping roof deck boards that, at first glance, might appear to be rotten decking. The real culprit for this issue is improper roof ventilation!


This property is located in the Hardin Valley area, a suburb of Knoxville TN.

Pitch Gage Shows this is a Steep Roof

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    Steep Roof Pitch

    This is an image from a roof pitch gauge showing that this roof is either 12:12or a little steeper.

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New Section of Roofing at Addition

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    New Certainteed Landmark Shingles

    Certainteed Landmark Weathered Wood Shingles This is a view of Certainteed Landmark Weathered Wood RoofThis is in addition to the existing Home.  The shingles are Certainteed landmark driftwood, which will propose to Roof in the rest of the home.


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    Video of Roof Inspection
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Roof Ventalation System for Vaulted Ceilings

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    Roof Vents Between Rafters

    This is a view of louver vent system that will allow air to flow through vaulted ceiling
    The ventilation for this roofing system will be provided by Styrofoam that’s to keep the insulation between the vaulted ceiling and roof rafters channelized. This ventilation system will allow air to move through the vaulted ceiling where there is insulation.

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    Roof Deck Boards Need to be Removed

    On the rear portion of the roof, the deck boards will need to be removed and replaced to add back the insulation channels. These deck boards at the west-facing slope of the roof are warping as a result of bad Ventilation.

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Ventalation is Blocked at Roof Eave

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    There is no Ventalation Possible

    There’s no ventilation possible because if you look closely you will see that there are blocks preventing air from moving into the vaulted ceiling and to the ridge.

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