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Cabin Chimney Problem in Sevierville, TN. After inspecting the chimney on this cabin, it was apparent that there were several areas where water could be getting in. So we are going to propose a roof coating around the chimney with a product called Aldo.



Chimney coated with elastomeric sealant

  1. 1
    Coating the upper metal chimney stack

    As you can see, we coated all the metal from the first overlap to the bottom of the metal flange.

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  2. 2
    Lower chimney flange coated in Aldo

    We also put the Aldo 385 on the lower flange and coated it in a very thick layer to the edge of the metal, where the metal roof trim meets and covers the flange.

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  3. 3
    Clear sealant at roof to chimney transition

    We used the clear in this section just in case it was visible from the ground. It wouldn’t be as much of an eyesore. We also filled that area so thick that it created a flat area for the water to run off easier.

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  4. 4
    Sealing up screws that were backing out

    A small handful of screws were backing out and starting to back out. So we ran the screws back into the metal and used clear roofing sealant to go over the heads of the screw

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Leaking chimney.

  1. 1
    More areas of possible water penetration

    As you can see I have added arrows in the photos that point to areas where water can easily get under the metal and into the roof.

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  2. 2
    Possible point of water penetration

    This is an area that is notorious for leaking. Where the roof butts up to the chimney. During heavy downpours, the water can back up in this small area and backflow under the metal. This usually will only happen during very heavy rain. As you can see somebody has already used a Clear Sealant along some of the edges but it’s beginning to crack due to age or a Cheap product.

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  3. 3
    More areas of water penetration

    I’m these pictures I have put arrows and short descriptions as well. There are many areas where water could make it under the metal.

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