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This apartment complex has two buildings that are having some leaks. It will need some flashing, shingles, and wood repairs.

Replacing Ridge Vent, Wood, Flashing And Shingles At Building 6

  1. 1
    Replacing Damaged Ridge Vent On Roof Over Stairs

    This ridge vent needs replacing as it has damage that extends 10 feet long. It has cracks along the ridge vent with some shingles breaking down at the top. It also has exposed nails that could cause leaks.
    This is ridge vent on a roof over stairs that has damage ten feet long

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  2. 2
    Repair Rotten Wood Where The Gutter Downspout Comes Out

    This 3’x4’ section of wood will need to be replaced as it is rotten and is bowing down. Step flashing will also need to be installed here. The downspout lets all the water out in this area, so we recommend adding an elbow to the gutter.

    Rotten wood that needs to be replaced where the downspout comes out

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  3. 3
    Reattaching Vinyl Soffit

    This white vinyl soffit will need to be reattached to the ceiling.
    This is white vinyl soffit that needs to be reattached to the ceiling.

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  4. 4
    Step Flashing To Be Replaced

    One piece of step flashing will need to be replaced near the gutter.
    One piece of step flashing will need to be replaced here behind the siding.

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  5. 5
    Damaged Shingles That Need To Be Replaced

    This 4’x6’ section of shingles will need to be replaced. This is an area with shingles that are damaged or previously been repaired.
    This is four foot by 6 foot section of shingles that will need to be replaced.

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Replacement Of Siding, Flashing And Shingles At Building 4

  1. 1
    Replacing Siding That Has Been Damaged by Water

    This is a section of siding that will need to be replaced as it has sustained water damage. It is 8” Masonite siding and about 16’ of it will cover this section. The step flashing will also need to be replaced prior to replacing the siding.
    This is siding that will need to be replaced that has water damage This is siding that will need to be replaced that has water damage This is. Siding that needs to be replaced that has water damage

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  2. 2
    Shingles Will Need To Be Replaced

    This is a 4’x5’ section of shingles that will need to replaced. There is damage to the shingles and previous repairs that were made.
    This is a section of shingles that will need to be replaced These are damaged shingles that will need to be replaced. Theses are shingles that will need to be replaced. They have exposed holes..

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  3. 3
    Step Flashing That Needs To Be Replaced

    The step flashing in this section will need to be replaced to prevent any leaks in between the wall.
    Here is a section where step flashing will need to be replaced

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