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Commercial Roof Coating with Aldo Products Knoxville, TN

Aldo roof coating is what we are proposing on the built-up roof.  The Aldo coating will be fluid applied over the existing top with little exposure and no messy tear-off.  This solution will last for at least 10 years.

Aldo roof coating can be applied as part of a two-part roofing system here.  The two-part will have a polyurethane primer and then a silicone topcoat.  The one-part roofing system will only have the silicone topcoat.

Commercial Roof Contractor Suggests Coating a Membrane Roof

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    Aldo Silicone Top Coating

    You have to clean the roof first really well.  Then add a silicone topcoat.



    This is a picture of Aldo Silicone Top Coating

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Coating Walls of a Membrane Roof

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    Using Aldo 385 to Coat Walls

    We need to remove the old metal from the walls as best as possible.  We will coat the membrane to brick with Aldo 385 and coating fabric.  Top coating walls and the membrane with Also 387.



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How Long will a Roof Coating Work

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    Aldo 385 At Roof Penetration

    The Aldo 385 product is a flashing grade sealer.  It is intended to flash walls and penetrations before adding a top coating.  It is grey in color and applies very thick.



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  2. 2
    Silicone Top Coating for this Roof

    Adding back a silicone top coating will seal the existing membrane roofing. It should add +10 years to the life of this roof.


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