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Storm damage and a hole in the roof were spotted during a roof inspection in Powell, TN. Photos show a large hole at top of the slope, missing shingles, wind damage, and exposed nails.

Storm Damage, Hole in Roof

  1. 1
    Exposed nail heads near rotting boards

    Exposed nail heads near rotting boards Exposed nail heads near rotting boards

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  2. 2
    Wind damaged, lifted shingles

    Wind damaged, lifted shinglesWind damaged, lifted shingles

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  3. 3
    Front left dormer on left side.

    Front left dormer on left side.

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  4. 4
    Missing shingles

    Missing shinglesMissing shinglesMissing shinglesMissing shinglesMissing shingles

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Rusted Pipe Boot

  1. 1
    Rusted pipe boot

    Rusted pipe boot Rusted

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