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Roof leaks and commercial buildings are causing problems for owners in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Construction might offer a service agreement and a coding solution that should solve all or most of the issues; please take a look. Thank you, guys.


This commercial roof does have a good bit of age on it. We are going to suggest a roof coating because that will be the most economical solution to the problem of these leaks.



This is what a 25 year old built up roof looks like

  1. 1
    Cracking and Worn out old built up roofing

    Cracking in this modified built up roof these cracks can cause leaks

    Is the built-up roof seen better days? As you can see from the pictures, it has a portion of it with severe granule loss. Does this occur in streaks throughout the roof? When you look closer at the picture, you can see cracks in the tour and material. This is a very susceptible leak.

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  2. 2
    Panoramic picture of this roof

    It’s pretty easy to see some of the streets from this picture Panoramic, so it does make it look like her, but this is a straight roof.  

    You can easily see where there are streets of granular loss throughout this roof

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  3. 3
    Standing water on roof

    The standing water cause problems for this Ruth, whether it’s roof leaks or other issues. The roof coating we propose will not solve standing water, but it should protect the material and some straight from the water.

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Stains underneath this roof are leaks

  1. 1
    Roof leaking at entryway

    This roof is leaking here because they put stucco above this awning. Any hole in the stucco will cause roof leaks which is what you’re seeing below the staining

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  2. 2
    Roof coating ofer stucco

    Roof cutting should work just fine right here and cover the stucco. We will propose to Aldo silicone coating for all roofing services and for this entryway as well.

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Roof edge has leaks

  1. 1
    Commercial roof Edge flash needs some help

    As you can see the edge flashing was installed sometime in the past and it is had some level of failure. This needs to be repaired roof coating should work just fine right here to make the edge flashing last.

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  2. 2
    Seal all edge flashing

    It will be important to seal all edge flashings stay are all like this throughout this built-up roof this will prevent roof leaks into the walls and at the edges of the building.

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