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Roof Inspection in Knoxville, TN. Photos show old and water-damaged roofs containing warped shingles, rotting boards, sunken boards underneath, and ponding areas where water can collect.

Detached drip edge and rotting boards underneath

  1. 1
    Warped shingles and sunken areas of the roof

    Warped shingles and sunken areas of the roof

    Warped shingles and sunken areas of the roof

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  2. 2
    Soft areas underneath shingles

    Soft areas underneath shingles

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  3. 3
    Warped and bent shingles on the ridge line

    Warped and bent shingles on the ridge line

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  4. 4
    Rotting boards underneath

    Rotting boards underneath

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  5. 5
    Detached drip edge and rotting boards underneath

    Detached drip edge and rotting boards underneath

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  6. 6
    Unnatural bend and warped shingles

    Unnatural bend and warped shingles

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  7. 7
    Exposed nail heads

    Exposed nail heads

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  8. 8
    Ponding areas at the base of the slope

    Ponding areas at the base of the slope

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