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Residential Property with a Leaking Chimney. This home has a chimney that has been leaking. The little flashing is in poor condition, and upon inspection, I found a few other things that could cause leaks in the future.

Chimney Leaks Plus Extras

  1. 1
    Happy Customer Testimonial Video

    The customer is extremely happy to not have his roof leaking any longer.!!!


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  2. 2
    Chimney Cap

    Chimney cap in poor condition

    This could use a new chimney cap. Sealant appears weak and does not go entirely over the chimney. This could be causing a leak.

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  3. 3
    Flashing In Poor Condition

    No flashing

    The flashing is old, and the sealant is deteriorating.

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  4. 4
    Flashing In Poor Condition

    Flashing bad

    This chimney flashing is in very bad shape and needs to be replaced
    The flashing is in poor condition. The sealant is cracking. It could be causing leaks.

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  5. 5
    Exposed Nails On Chimney Flashing

    This is a picture of a chimney that has ice and water shield on it during construction

    This picture shows a home that is getting a chimney reflashed because of roof leaks in Knoxville Tennessee

    Exposed nails on chimney flashing
    The front of the chimney has flashing that has about 9 exposed nails. This will cause leaks.

    This is a photo of repairs for this leaking chimney.


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  6. 6
    Exposed Nails Near The Valley

    Exposed nails near valley
    There are exposed nails near the valley that could be unknown leaks.

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  7. 7
    Exposed Nails at Pipe Boots

    Exposed nails on pipe boots

    this is a picture of grey colored shingles on a roof in Knoxville TN
    Exposed nails at all pipe boots. This could be leaking that will damage the inside of the home.

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