Perimeter Security Estimate Nashville, TN.
We inspected the property of Perimeter Security. This is a shingle and membrane roof.
Perimeter Security Estimate Nashville, TN.
We inspected the property of Perimeter Security. This is a shingle and membrane roof.
Please click on the pins to see the details of each part of the inspection.
Estimate for Perimeter Security Partners
Edge of the flat roof near the hip.
You can click on any pictures or videos to enlarge them and see more details.
This is the base of the railing, which is attached to the roof. As you can see, there are places where water can leak in currently.
This is the North-East corner of the flat roof.
It rusted L Brackets for the railing.
View of the edge cap. It is in poor shape, as is the flashing.
Another corner cap view.
This is the other side. All sides are in this shape.
This is an example of the GAF Timberline Dimensional Shingle. They have the best warranty in the business, and if you want to showcase your building, they are the way to go for this application. They are thicker and will hold up better than regular shingles. These are what we quoted in the bid.
If you have questions, please feel free to call me, Kirby Smith, at 615-995-5359, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Call Us – (865) 297-3286