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This roof is approximately 15 to 20 years old. This is a three-tab shingle, and it is in less than desirable shape. This roof inspection revealed several shingles that were partially blown off or damaged, several sections with lots of wear on the singles, and the rear of the roof has some nails that are miss placed and can cause leaks.



All three tab shingle roof inspection

  1. 1
    There are locations on the back of this roof with holes in between shingles

    There are locations on the back of this roof with holes in between shingles, And these holes can cause reflexes that will cause rot and inside damage to this home. There were probably five or 10 locations with these holes in between shingles.

    This is a picture of a hole in between two singles of a roof

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  2. 2
    Old metal ridge vent on a three tab roof

    The reason this ridge vent has not been used in a long time Is that metal ridge vents have a great likelihood of leaking and causing roofing damage.

    This is a picture of an old gray roof with missing shingles

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Old Roof has Missing and Worn out Shingles

  1. 1
    This is a windblown shingle off of an old roof

    This is a windblown shingle off of an old roof When roofs get to be this age they often can lose shingles because of Wind damages.This is a picture of a windblown shingle on a brown colored roof

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  2. 2
    This is a picture of old shingles that have lots of granules missing

    It’s a picture of a shingle with missing granules but due to old age

    When shingles get all the loose granules and the granules go into the gutters of the roof. The shingles can obviously be shown as having lots of pitting and granules loss.

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  3. 3
    This is one of the windblown shingles laying in the gutter
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  4. 4
    The edge of this Ruth has shingles that are listing and windblown

    The shingle on the edge of the roof has cracks These shingles are beginning to have problems on the edge of this roof

    The shingles on the edge of the roof are very vulnerable to blow off. You can see that there are some locations on the edge of this roof where the shingles are in bad shape and might possibly have issues. Hopefully, this roof inspection helps customers keep ahead of this type of issue.

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