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Knoxville,  TN
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This is an old roof in Fountain City, TN. This roof has shingles that are losing granules from the shingle surface, exposing the fibers of the shingles, which you can see from the glossy patterns on the roof. This causes roof leaks and nail pop, which will also cause roof leaks. This roof also has a pipe boot that is rising up, which could cause leaks. There are several nail pops and sliding shingles.

Top of roof

  1. 1
    Inspection Video for old roof in Fountain City TN
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  2. 2
    Sliding shingles
    There are sliding shingles that have come off.
    Sliding shingles that have come off
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  3. 3
    Glossy Shingles
    Here is the main issue with this roof and you can see clearly that the edges of the shingles are showing the fibers
    Glossy shingles showing fibers coming through the granules
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  4. 4
    Pipe boot is coming off

    Pipe boot is coming off

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