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Old 3 Tab Roof Needs Structural Work When We Reroof. This project is to replace an old three-tab shingle in Knoxville, Tennessee. This old roof has a few structural issues we will address while reroofing. We will take this roof down to the roof deck, remove all the boards at the back of the roof’s peak and add lateral braces between each trust. We are also proposing gutters for this project as well.

Old Roof Needs to be Replaced Before House can be Sold

  1. 1
    We will add new drip edge around the perimeter of this roof along with new starter

    We will add a new drip edge around the perimeter of this roof, along with a new starter. That is what will be required to put a GAF roofing system on for this customer. We are proposing a system plus the GAF roofing system.

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  2. 2
    We will make some minor repairs to the vent pipes of the roof

    We will make some minor repairs to the roof's vent pipes; the owner wants to supply new PVC pipes from the bathroom exhaust through the top. We would be happy to help them replace these.

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  3. 3
    Roof inspection video of home east of knoxville tn

    This is an inspection video for this property east of Knoxville, TN 37924 ZIP Code.

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This is a picture of the ridge of the roof that will need to have structural work done at the peak

  1. 1
    Structural work needs to be done at the peak of this roof

    Structural work needs to be done at the peak of this roof, we will remove all of the deck boards off of the back of the peak of the roof and add 2 x 4 members between enter cross brace each of the trusses of the roof.

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  2. 2
    Rotten deck board on old roof

    Rotten deck board on an old roof Can cause major issues and this will be something that we address during the construction of this project. We will replace these boards with plywood all along the peak of this roof.

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