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Roof Leaks are Hopefully Fixed with a Litespeed Construction Service Call in Knoxville, TN.  When our Customers have Roofing Needs in Knoxville, We are Here to Help!  We don’t Charge to Come out and Inspect; if We can Resolve the Issues, Our Minimum Charge is a Roof Service Call.



Roof Leaking because of Chimney Counterflashing

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    Leaking Roof Possibly Caused By Chimney Flashing

    One of the several things we performed while repairing this roof was to recaulk the flashing at the backside of this chimney. It’s a good possibility that this is causing one of the leaks in the roof.

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  2. 2
    The Chimney Leak Caused this Ceiling Stain

    One of this customer's concerns was the possibility of rotten boards around the chimney. We decided not to reflash the chimney yet but to see if the minor repairs we did resolve the problem. Hopefully, the minor repairs to the chimney flashing fix this roof leak.

    Ceiling stains from a roof leak at a chimney

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Chimney Cap Should be Replaced

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    This Chimney Cap Could be Causing Roof Leaks

    Rusty Metal chimney cap that needs to be replaced

    It is possible that the roof leak is being seen inside is coming from this chimney cap. Here’s a picture of the other chimney with a proper cap.

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Roof Pipe Boot Needs to Be Replaced

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    This Pipe Boot needed to Be Replaced

    new pipe boot that is installed is much better than the old trash bag that was covering it before

    Our customer told us that this roof repair with duct tape actually resolved the roof leak. That’s a pretty impressive homemade job and apparently, it solved the problem but it just wouldn’t last forever

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Shingle Have a Double Layer and are Wearing out Quickly

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    Shingles With 2 Layer Wear Out Faster

    picture of a shingle on a roof that has fiberglass matt showing

    picture of shingles on a roof that are grey in color and worn out

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  2. 2
    Roof Deck Here has Waves

    This roof deck has some waviness to it because of movement in the structure of the home. This is not a huge concern but can be visually an issue for some people.

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