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Knoxville Roofers Inspects A Roof Leak. This Knoxville home has a small roof leak in it the garage. It appears to be a slow leak but has been going on for some time. The leak seems to be coming from where the gutter meets the roof. This particular gutter gets most of the water from the home, so that it may be overflowing at that point.

Roof Leak Coming From Overfilled Gutters

  1. 1
    Exhaust Cap Replacement

    The exhaust cap coming from the garage's roof needs to be replaced as it is bent and crooked.

    This is a picture of a black exhaust cap on roof of the garage.

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  2. 2
    Gutter Repair To Stop Leak

    This gutter will be cut back about two inches and capped at the end. A B elbow and a downspout leading to the next gutter will also be installed to prevent water overflow. All nails and flashing will be sealed in this area.

    The a picture of a gutter that buts up against the roof possibly causing overflow

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  3. 3
    Extending The Metal To Avoid Dripping Down The Siding

    At the back of the house, metal will be added to extend the sides to avoid water running down the siding.

    This is a picture of an extension of the home that will need metal expanded to avoid drippage This is a picture of an extension of the home that will need metal expanded to avoid drippage

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Roof Leak Resolved

  1. 1
    Overflowing Gutter Fixed

    This gutter was cut back 2” and capped. A downspout was also installed to divert water to lower gutter. Affected areas were sealed.


    This is a picture of an almond color gutter that was cut back and capped with a downspout added to itThis is a picture of an almond color gutter that was cut back and capped


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  2. 2
    Exhaust Cap Replaced

    The exhaust cap over the garage was replaced as well as sealing up the entire pipe.

    This is a picture of black pipe with a new exhaust cap.

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  3. 3
    Flashing Metal Was Added To Divert Water

    Flashing metal was added under the shingles to divert water.

    This is a picture of metal underneath shingles to divert water

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