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Knoxville Roofers Inspect Roof With Multiple Layers of Shingles. This roof is a very old three-tab with multiple layers of shingles. The wood will also need to be replaced as it is no longer suitable to shingle and has parts that are sinking in.


Old Three Tab With Wood Rot

  1. 1
    Multiple Layers

    Upon inspection, we found out that this roof has had multiple layers of shingles on it. All layers will need to be removed to roof this house correctly.

    This is a picture of the edge of a roof that has multiple layers of shingles

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    Wood Rot All Over

    This roof has wood rot all over it. The edges of the roof are sinking in and will need to be brought up and repaired.

    This is a picture of the edge of a roof where the wood is sinking in This is a picture of the edge of a roof where the wood is sinking in

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    Old Shingles With Leaks

    This roof has old three-tab shingles with various leaks.

    This is a picture of old three tab shingles

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During Construction

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    New Installation

    All of the wood on this roof is being replaced. The roof is getting new 7/16 OSB. This home had a total of 3 layers on it.

    This is a picture of old 1x6 boards that need to be replaced This is a picture of the roof that has three layers

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New GAF Roof Installed

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    GAF Weathered Wood

    This home got new GAF HDZ Weathered Wood shingles. We installed ice and water shield on both ends of the house because they turn into a low slope.

    This is a picture of a low slope roof that has ice and water This is a picture of weathered wood shingles This is a picture of a new pipe boot with weathered wood shingles

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    Video Inspection
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