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Knoxville Roofers inspected this home that has fascia wrapping needs. The immediate needs are the two dormers at the front of the house. The dormer on the right side has a fascia board that is rotting. This board will most likely need to be replaced to wrap with fascia metal. We will also be taking a look at wrapping the fascia at both of the gables on the home.

Fascia Boards Need To Be Wrapped With Metal

  1. 1
    Gable Needs To Be Wrapped

    This gable at the left side of the home needs to be wrapped with fascia metal.

    This is a picture of a white home with red trim

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  2. 2
    Dormer Needs To Be Wrapped by a Licensed Contractor in Knovxille TN

    Both dormers at the front of the house need the fascia wrapped. The dormer on the right will need to have a board replaced first.

    This is a picture of a white and red dormer with rotting fascia boards

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  3. 3
    Gables Need To Be Wrapped

    The gable at the right side of the home will need to be wrapped with fascia metal.

    This is a picture of a white and red home with a brick chimney

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