This is how you fix a chimney that is leaking

  1. 1
    This chimney might be leaking from uncovered nails

    This chimney might be leaking from bare nails.  These nails are exposed and can cause leaks at the foot of the chimney. You can see that these are not covered with sealant and that they might cause this chimney to have water coming in.

    This is nails that I have not been covered on the roof and it might be causing a roof leak at a chimney

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  2. 2
    Chimney step flashing can cause Chimney leaks

    This is a picture of chimney step flashing that is improperly Nailed

    Chimney step flashing could cause the roof to leak because the nails have not been appropriately placed. this is not necessarily the reason for the leak. There are several other reasons that this chimney could be leaking.

    Because chimney re-flashing is the most expensive solution, we should wait and see if other less costly solutions can resolve this issue.

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  3. 3
    The chimney does not have a cricket

    But just because the chimney does not have a cricket, does that mean it Is the cause of the leak. This chimney might be leaking from several other locations that have been mentioned. It does not necessarily have to leave because the flashing is terrible or does not have a cricket.

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  4. 4
    This is a possible reason that this chimney is leaking

    Nail pops can be the reason for a chimney leak not because of bad chimney flashing
    This is a possible reason that this chimney is leaking.  The chimney doesn’t necessarily have to leave because of bad flashing, or the roof can leak from nail pops around the chimney, the chimney cap, or cracks in the brick around the chimney.

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  5. 5
    This chimney cap could be the cause of this roof leak we need to seal it to be sure that it doesn’t leak

    This chimney can be leaking because the cap has cracks in it

    This chimney cap could be the cause of this roof leak. We need to seal it to be sure that it doesn't leak. When we seal the cracks on this chimney cap and around the chimney's mortar, we can be sure that they will not leak because they will not allow water to get into the chimney and appear like roof leaks.

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