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Golden Pledge warranty inspection by GAF master elite contractor one year later


GAF Master Elite contractors install Golden Pledge warranties.  These projects meet the highest quality standards that GAF can set forth.  The Golden Pledge Roofs Warranties should be inspected within the first 5 years after installation to ensure the quality of construction.

This is a follow-up roof inspection for one of Litespeed Construction’s previous projects.

GAF Golden Pledge Warranty top view

  1. 1
    Proper chimney flashing

     Proper chimney flashing and counter-flashing looks excellent and will last many years. 

     Proper chimney flashing

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  2. 2
    Make sure and apply GAF Weatherwatch

    GAF Weatherwatch is used in the valleys.


    Apply GAF Weatherwatch

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  3. Go To Pin

Front view GAF Golden Pledge Warranty

  1. Testimonial

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