Table of contents
- The first roof leak is near the pitch break.
- The second leak is in the middle of the valley
- Leak found near gutter
- Wet insulation

- 1The first roof leak is near the pitch break.
This roof leak is at a facia return where there is flashing that ends in a low slope. There is also a exhaust for a dryer vent here. Roof leaking at low slope valley roof.
Image shows broken gutter and improperly installed that will cause leaks. Timberline shingles. Litespeed Construction
1532 Washington Ave
Knoxville TN 37917
Phone Number 865-297-3286
www.litespeedconstruction.comGo To Pin - 2The second leak is in the middle of the valleyGo To Pin
- 3Leak found near gutterGo To Pin
- 4Wet insulation
Customer is experiencing problems around the attic area with water leaking in from roof. Causing mold & rot.
Litespeed Construction
1532 Washington Ave
Knoxville TN 37917
Wet insulationGo To Pin