Table of contents
- missing coping metal
- Epdm membrane separating from wall
- Epdm membrane completely failing
- missing ridge cap shingles
- EPDM Membrane completely failed
- water trapped between membrane and roof
- Lots of water trapped under membrane

- 1missing coping metalGo To Pin
- 2Epdm membrane separating from wallGo To Pin
- 3Epdm membrane completely failingGo To Pin
- Go To Pin
- 5EPDM Membrane completely failed
As you can see, the membrane has pulled back from the wall letting large amounts of water under the entire roof.
Not only does the membrane pull back quickly, but under that is a broken-up layer of PVC membrane and half-inch Styrofoam
Go To Pin - 6water trapped between membrane and roof
Massive amounts of water build-up under the membrane. There are water areas up to 5 inches deep underneath the EPDM membrane. It is trapped between the membrane and the old roof. This can cause long-term mold problems, and rust of the metal roof and metal rafter supports, causing possible catastrophic roof failure. Among other issues as well.
Go To Pin - 7Lots of water trapped under membraneGo To Pin