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Roof Inspection for Reroofing in Knoxville, TN. This roof inspection was performed for a customer who wants to reroof their home. There are two layers of shingles on this roof, and the chimney needs new flashing all the way around. Also, the gutters are in poor shape and will need to be replaced as a part of the roofing job.

Residential home that needs Reroofed

  1. 1
    This Chimney needs new flashing

    Brick chimney needs new flashing

    When we replace the shingles, the Chimney will be re-flashed, and we will add a cricket here on this Chimney.

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  2. 2
    Roofing deck boards are in good shape

    Deck boards for this roof are in good shape

    There were some deck boards that were less than perfect at the edges of the roof these might could be considered for replacement.

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  3. 3
    Roof Inspection Video

    Roof inspection video.

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Complete Roof and Gutter Project

  1. 1
    New Black Gutters and Downspouts

    These new black gutters and downspouts look terrific. They match the black drip edge and black roof flashing for this completed roof project.

    Black gutters Black gutter mitre

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  2. 2
    Customer Testimonial Video
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  3. 3
    Final Roof Inspection Video

    This video shows the final inspection of the roof after completion.

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